We are a TEAM. Commited to HEALTH. Inspired by BEAUTY. We believe in the power of a SMILE. Welcome to DAVINCI dental clinic, the doctors you can trust!

Pure science is not enough for our dentists. The TEAM of DAVINCI dental clinic has been shaped around a new generation of dentistry and facial aesthetic design. Nowadays, dentistry is about more then just teeth

Contacteaza-ne acum


team member

Sergiu Fusu

Specialist Implantologie / Reabilitare Implanto-Protetica / Estetica dentara


team member

Irina Fusu

Specialist Chirurgie oro-maxilo-faciala si Paradontologie


team member

Anna Cucovici

Specialist Endodontie, Restaurari Dentare estetice directe si inderecte


team member

Andrei Jardan

Specialist Endodontie si ondototerapie


team member

Tabirita Cristian

Specialist Odontoterapie si estetica dentara


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