Dr. Cristian Tăbârță

Medic chirurg parodontolog și specialist estetică dentară

Make an appointment now with Dr. Cristian Tăbârță:

The dentist Dr. Sergiu Fusu is a specialist în Implantology/Implanto-Prosthetic Rehabilitațion/Dental Aesthetics în the team of the dental clinic în Chisinau DAVINCI Dental Clinic. With extensive experience în mounting and maintaining dental implants, the professional himself
daily feeds his passion for implantology and continues to develop his abilities în these modern fields.
Dr. Fusu is a promoter of innovațions and digitizațion în dentistry, being a supporter of the multidisciplinary approach în pațient treatment, specializing în surgical treatments by applying the latest methods, techniques and technologies în the field of surgery
oral and guided digital implantology.
Find graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "N. Testemitanu" from Chisinau, for Dr. Sergiu Fusu, dentistry is more than a profession, it is a lifestyle, proof that the passion with which he practices it has remained unchanged
even after 12 years of activity.
Until now, Dr. Sergiu Fusu has attended specializațion courses and participated în numerous național and internațional congresses în order to perfect the activity he carries out.

– Zero Bone Loss Protocol: Influence of Vertical Soft Tissue Thickness
on Crestal Bone Stability,

– All-On-4 Protocol The Technique and Reality,

- Practical course of improvement în carrying out aesthetic restorațions
individual MiY0® Liquid Ceramic System

– Практический интенсив пулата кочкарова: splint -terapija и
digital occlusion

– Bucharest Dentistry Summit – Aesthetic Dentistry and the – art and
science of Smile Design, New York University Dentistry

– Endodontic Master Series;

– Practical surgical hyd design course;

– Congress of Occlusology and funcțional therapy;

– Dental Implantology from the Prosthodontist Perspective,
Bucharest Romania;

– Theory course & Hands-on Implantology Nobel Biocare: Augmentațion
as a means of creațing conditions for carrying out treatment with
using implants"

– Theory & hands-on course "'The importance and complexity of the plan of
treatment în aesthetic rehabilitațion";