The thought of becoming a dentist has been with me since I was in school. I have always wanted to wear the doctor’s uniform. I did everything possible to achieve this goal. I am always aiming to achieve everything I have planned, and this thing makes me responsible and well calculated. I am fulfilled by the fact that my teenage dream has become reality and today I am able to contribute to a change, to take care of oral health. My main goal is to perform an efficient and lasting treatment, in this way offering our clients trust, security and support throughout the treatment. I make a lot of effort every day to obtain good results and I pay maximum attention to details to achieve a qualitative treatment, and as a result, a satisfied patient. I want to get the best performances as a doctor, and because of this, I am always opened to new challenges.

At DaVinci Dental Clinic I found the right place to develop myself professionally, being surrounded by beautiful and professional people. Working with the most modern technologies and machines of latest generation in dentistry is a great benefit and I think that the greatest satisfaction of a dentist is to be able to practice the profession in an environment in which he is being offered all the possibilities of work and development that allows them to offer their clients the perfect treatment.

We believe in the power of a smile, we are a team dedicated to your health. For this, the DaVinci Dental Clinic team is waiting for you to pass with confidence the threshold of our clinic.


2014-2019: The University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testimitanu”

Professional experience:

2019: Webinar Enrico Cassi Treatment of calcified canals

Webinar Enrico Cassai Removal of coronal restoration

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